Dyslexia Testing
Dyslexia is a reading disability that impacts individuals’ abilities to read, write, and spell. According to the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity, approximately 20% of individuals in the United States are affected by Dyslexia. In fact, Dyslexia is said to be the most common neurocognitive disorder. Individuals with Dyslexia are often found to be highly intelligent and creative despite having reading difficulties. In fact, because individuals with Dyslexia are both intelligent and creative, many are able to hide their problems from others by memorizing or using other creative strategies to get by. Despite this, the ongoing reading and spelling difficulties eventually result in a multitude of negative outcomes to include low academic achievement, difficulties in work and employment, low self-esteem, anger and frustration, lack of confidence, and even depression.
Individuals with Dyslexia can and do succeed in school when the right academic resources and intervention programs are put in place. The first step in getting your child the help they need is having them evaluated and getting the correct diagnosis. The evaluation process can help provide understanding and comfort to both your child and you.
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that affects the development of both decoding (written word pronunciation) and encoding (spelling). Currently, there is no definite known cause of dyslexia, however, the disability is usually found to run in families. Therefore there may be a genetic component to dyslexia, which can be passed on from parents to their children. At DHW we are able to properly diagnose your child. Once properly diagnosed, children can access educational and interventional services that effectively improve their reading and writing skills.